
Graduate Council Committees

2024-25 Committee Assignments

Curriculum/Bridge to UCC

Curriculum/Bridge to UCC
Shawn Ostermann (Chair)osterman@ohio.eduRuss College of Engineering and Technology
Jeremy Websterwebstej1@ohio.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences
Deborah Packpackd@ohio.eduCollege of Health Sciences and Professions

Graduate Student Affairs and Fellowships

Graduate Student Affairs and Fellowships
Jonathan Agensky (Chair)agensky@ohio.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences
Kimberlee Orbenorben@ohio.eduCollege of Health Sciences and Professions
Danielle Danidani@ohio.eduPatton College of Education
Vladimir Marchenkovmarchenk@ohio.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences

Policies and Regulations

Policies and Regulations
Beth Quitslund (Chair)quitslun@ohio.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences
Neil Littellittellw@ohio.eduRuss College of Engineering and Technology
Aimee Edmondsonedmondso@ohio.eduScripps College of Communication
Shigeru Okadaokada@ohio.eduHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine
Justice Bentiljb458321@ohio.eduGraduate Student Senate

Program Review

Program Review
Gabe Giordano (Chair)giordano@ohio.eduCollege of Business
Brian Bradshawbradshawb@ohio.eduRuss College of Engineering & Technology
Michael Hesshessm@ohio.eduPatton College of Education
David Brownbrownd16@ohio.eduCollege of Business

Recruitment and Admission Requirements

Recruitment and Admission Requirements
Eric Steinberg (Chair)steinber@ohio.eduRuss College of Engineering and Technology
Melissa Bowlbybowlby@ohio.eduCollege of Health Sciences and Professions
Justin Wheelerwheelel2@ohio.eduCollege of Health Sciences and Professions
Brian McCarthymccarthy@ohio.eduCollege of Arts and Sciences

Stipend Review

Stipend Review
Anirudh Ruhil (Chair)ruhil@ohio.eduVoinovich School of Leadership and Public Service
Eirene Binabibaeb768520@ohio.eduGraduate Student Senate
Simranjeet Kaursk721622@ohio.eduGraduate Student Senate
Leanne Chrisman-Khawamchrismal@ohio.eduHeritage College of Osteopathic Medicine