BS 3335 – Physics Astrophysics Major – Sample Curriculum
Sequence 1 (for students entering Fall 2024-2025, Fall 2026-2027, Fall 2028-2029, etc.)
Freshman Year Fall Hours
PHYS 1901 Physics Seminar 1
MATH 2301 Calculus 1 (ANCW) 4
UC 1900 Learning Community 1
COMS 1030 Speaking (BSL, BER, BDP) 3
Gen Ed class (FIE, ACNW, A&S-SS) 3
ENG 1510 Writing & Rhetoric (FWC) 3
Total 15
Freshman Year Spring Hours
PHYS 2054/2055 General Physics 1 (PNS) 4
MATH 2302 Calculus 2 (FQR) 4
Computer programming** 4
Gen Ed class (PHTC, A&S-H) 3
Total 15
Sophomore Year Fall Hours
PHYS 2056/2057 General Physics 2 (ANW) 4
MATH 3300 Calculus 3 4
MATH 3200 Applied Linear Algebra 3
Foreign Language semester 1 4
Total 15
Sophomore Year Spring Hours
PHYS 2053 Contemporary Physics 3
PHYS 2701 Electronics Lab 2
MATH 3400 Elementary Differential Equations 3
Foreign Language semester 2 4
ASTR 3251 Fundamentals of Astrophysics 3
Total 15
Junior Year Fall Hours
PHYS 3001 Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 3701 Intermediate Lab 1 2
ASTR 4201 Stellar Astrophysics* 3
Advanced Writing (FAW, A&S-H) 3
Gen Ed class (PHA, A&S-H) 3
Total 15
Junior Year Spring Hours
PHYS 3011 Thermal Physics 3
PHYS 3702 Intermediate Lab 2 2
ASTR 4202 Galaxies and Cosmology* 3
MATH 4410 PDEs & Fourier Analysis 3
Gen Ed class (PSBS, A&S-SS) 3
Elective 1
Total 15
Senior Year Fall Hours
PHYS 4031 Electricity & Magnetism 1 3
ASTR 4271 Observational Astrophysics* 3
PHYS 4021 Quantum Mechanics** 3
Gen Ed class (A&S-SS) 3
Elective 3
Total 15
Senior Year Spring Hours
PHYS 4032 Electricity & Magnetism 2 3
Capstone 3
MATH 3600 Applied Numerical Methods** 3
Gen Ed elective (BLD) 3
Elective 3
Total 15
University General Education requirements (see list of abbreviations below) and Arts & Sciences distribution requirements can be taken in any order. Many classes (but not all) can “double dip” and complete several requirements with one class. The schedule above takes advantage of some of these.
*4000 level ASTR courses are taught every other year. The sequence above shows the arrangement for students entering in Fall of even numbered years. The next page shows the arrangement for students entered in Fall of odd numbered years.
** course highly recommended but not required.
Completion of a math minor is automatic (students only need to apply).
Sequence 2 (for students entering Fall 2025-2026, Fall 2027-2028, Fall 2029-2030, etc.)
Freshman Year Fall Hours
PHYS 1901 Physics Seminar 1
MATH 2301 Calculus 1 (ANCW) 4
UC 1900 Learning Community 1
COMS 1030 Speaking (BSL, BER, BDP) 3
Gen Ed class (FIE, ACNW, A&S-SS) 3
ENG 1510 Writing & Rhetoric (FWC) 3
Total 15
Freshman Year Spring Hours
PHYS 2054/2055 General Physics 1 (PNS) 4
MATH 2302 Calculus 2 (FQR) 4
Computer programming** 4
Gen Ed class (PHTC, A&S-H) 3
Total 15
Sophomore Year Fall Hours
PHYS 2056/2057 General Physics 2 (ANW) 4
MATH 3300 Calculus 3 4
MATH 3200 Applied Linear Algebra 3
Foreign Language semester 1 4
Total 15
Sophomore Year Spring Hours
PHYS 2053 Contemporary Physics 3
PHYS 2701 Electronics Lab 2
MATH 3400 Elementary Differential Equations 3
Foreign Language semester 2 4
ASTR 3251 Fundamentals of Astrophysics 3
Total 15
Junior Year Fall Hours
PHYS 3001 Classical Mechanics 4
PHYS 3701 Intermediate Lab 1 2
ASTR 4271 Observational Astrophysics* 3
Advanced Writing (FAW, A&S-H) 3
Gen Ed class (PHA, A&S-H) 3
Total 15
Junior Year Spring Hours
PHYS 3011 Thermal Physics 3
PHYS 3702 Intermediate Lab 2 2
MATH 4410 PDEs & Fourier Analysis 3
Gen Ed class (PSBS, A&S-SS) 3
Elective(s) 4
Total 15
Senior Year Fall Hours
PHYS 4031 Electricity & Magnetism 1 3
ASTR 4201 Stellar Astrophysics* 3
PHYS 4021 Quantum Mechanics** 3
Gen Ed class (A&S-SS) 3
Elective 3
Total 15
Senior Year Spring Hours
PHYS 4032 Electricity & Magnetism 2 3
ASTR 4202 Galaxies and Cosmology* 3
MATH 3600 Applied Numerical Methods** 3
Gen Ed elective (BLD) 3
Capstone 3
Total 15
University General Education requirements (see list of abbreviations below) and Arts &Sciences distribution requirements can be taken in any order. Many classes (but not all) can “double dip” and complete several requirements with one class. The schedule above takes advantage of some of these.
*4000 level ASTR courses are taught every other year. The sequence above shows the arrangement for students entering in Fall of even numbered years. The next page shows the arrangement for students entered in Fall of odd numbered years.
** course highly recommended but not required.
Completion of a math minor is automatic (students only need to apply).
General Education abbreviations not covered by required major courses
FWC = Foundations – Written Communication (University Requirement)
FAW = Foundations – Advanced Writing (University Requirement)
FQR = Foundations – Quantitative Reasoning (University Requirement)
FIE = Foundations – Intercultural Explorations (University Requirement)
PHTC = Pillars – Humanities: Texts & Contexts (University Requirement)
PHA = Pillars – Humanities: Arts (University Requirement)
PNS = Pillars – Natural Sciences (University Requirement)
PSBS = Pillars – Social or Behavioral Sciences (University Requirement)
ACSW = Arches – Constructed World (University Requirement)
ANW = Arches – Natural World (University Requirement)
ACNW = Arches – Connected World (University Requirement)
BSL = Bridges – Speaking & Listening (University Requirement)
BER = Bridges – Ethics & Reasoning (University Requirement)
BDP = Bridges – Diversity & Practice (University Requirement)
BLD = Bridges – Learning & Doing (University Requirement)
A&S-H = Arts & Sciences Humanities distribution requirement (College Requirement for 9 hrs)
A&S-SS = Arts & Sciences Social Sciences distribution requirement (College Requirement for 9 hrs)
A&S-NS = Arts & Sciences Natural Science distribution requirements (covered by MATH courses)
Updated: June 2024