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15.001: Acquisition and Maintenance of Television Systems




October 1, 2002

Initiated by:

Carolyn Bailey Lewis | Director of the Telecommunications Center

Reviewed by:

Nancy Prichard Crist | Chair, Policy and Procedure Review Committee

Endorsed by:

Kathy Krendl | Dean, College of Communication

Approved by:

Stephen Kopp | Provost

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Purpose

    To provide the policy and procedure for the purchase and maintenance of television equipment by the various departments.

  2. Policy

    1. Purchase of television equipment

      Purchases of television equipment (cameras, videotape recorders, etc.) requiring maintenance support from the College of Communication's Telecommunications Center must be approved by the Center. Approval will indicate that equipment to be purchased is compatible with other equipment on campus and that repair parts are more easily obtainable.

    2. Maintenance of television equipment

      The Telecommunication Center's Engineering Department will provide support for all television equipment purchased under this policy, charging departments for replacement parts and labor on a contract basis. Sufficient replacement parts for approved equipment will be on hand to speed the return of equipment to service.

  3. Procedures

    1. Purchase of television equipment

      Departments contemplating purchase of television equipment should contact the Associate Director for Technology and Operations. He or she and the Director of Engineering for Maintenance and Installation will consult with the department to recommend and specify the best equipment to meet the desired objective. Equipment specified will be compatible (interchangeable) with other equipment on campus and can be easily maintained. The department purchasing the equipment will originate the requisition as outlined in the Purchasing Manual. The Director of the Telecommunications Center will approve the requisition prior to submission to the Dean and the purchasing department.

      Upon delivery, staff from the Telecommunications Center will inspect the equipment and train individuals in its use. Maintenance will be provided as outlined below.

    2. Maintenance or repair of television equipment

      Departments possessing any video equipment may request maintenance or repair by contacting the Director of Engineering for Installation and Maintenance. He or she will make the necessary arrangements and keep the department advised of progress and costs. Requests can also be made via the Engineering Web site, at 

      In most cases it will be necessary to transport the equipment to the Engineering shop in the Radio, Television, Communication Building so that electronic test equipment may be utilized. Departments requesting maintenance service will be responsible for the delivery and pick-up of their equipment.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. Policy and Procedure Review Committee

  2. Director of Instructional Media and Technology Services

  3. Planning Unit Heads