
Summer First-Year Guest Schedule

This schedule is for all in-person summer orientation programs for first-year students and is subject to change. A finalized schedule will be released April 1. 

Evening Before BSO Program - Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday
EveningResidence Hall Overnight Accommodations Check-in (Optional)
Students and their guests have the option to stay on campus in a residence hall the night before their orientation program. There will be no sessions or programmatic elements during the stay. Students can sign up for this when signing up for orientation. Fees apply. Details about the check-in location will be confirmed in the final details email sent approximately 5 days before your orientation program. If you need to arrive after the early arrival check-in times, Conference Services will have a staff member on duty and a phone number posted on the building entrance to facilitate a late check-in.
Location TBD
Day 1 - Monday, Wednesday, or Friday
7:30 a.mOrientation Parking
Staff will be in the marked parking lots beginning at 7:30am. They will greet you at the entrance and pass out parking permits. Suggested arrival times based on last name are as follows: A-E (7:30-7:45), F-P (7:50-8:10) and Q-Z (8:10-8:25 ).
Lots 127 and 128 (around the Convocation Center)
7:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.Program Check-in
Students and guests will be guided by staff and signage from orientation parking over to BSO Program Check-In, which must be completed before heading to the first session.
Baker University Center
8 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.Resource Fair
Students and guests are encouraged to interact with a variety of offices on campus and a few community partners to get their questions answered and learn more about the opportunities available to students. The Resource Fair will also be available on Day 2 of the program for anyone unable to participate on Day 1.
Baker University Center
9:45 a.m.Morning Presentations
The morning will begin with a combined welcome session, schedule overview, and OHIO history and traditions. Students will then go to their own sessions to learn more about the student experience and connect with other students. Guests will learn more about FERPA, the Registrar's Office and the academic experience in their student's college.
Various Locations
Students will eat at 11:30 - 12:25. Guest will eat lunch at 12:35 - 1:30.
Nelson Dining Hall
1:30 p.m.Guest Presentations
Family members and guests will learn about helping their student thrive and hear from campus offices dedicated to student safety and support.
Various Locations
3:30 p.m. - 5:20 p.m.Breakout Sessions
Students and guests will have the option to choose their own adventure by selecting different sessions to attend based on their own needs and interests. There will be three half-hour time slots to select sessions in. Students and guests can decide to participate in the same sessions or join different sessions to participate in more presentations.
Various Locations
5:20 p.m. - 7 p.m.Dinner and Residence Hall Move-In
Students and guests will be moving into their residence halls for the overnight stay during this time. Shuttles will be available to help you get your luggage from orientation parking to the residence halls. Dinner will also be available in the dining hall during this time for any student or guest choosing to have dinner on-campus. This is the final part of the guest program experience on Day 1.
Various Locations
Day 2 - Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday
7 a.m. - 8:20 a.m.Breakfast and Residence Hall Move-Out
Students and guests who stayed on campus during the program check out of their rooms. Shuttles will be available to help you get your luggage from the residence halls to orientation parking. Breakfast will also be available during this time for any student or guest choosing to have breakfast on-campus.
Various Locations
8:30 a.m.Guest Presentations
Family members and guests will have an opportunity to hear from current students, connect with offices critical in supporting their student's next steps and learn about supporting their student as they transition to college.
Various Locations
10:20 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.Required Student and Guest Program Check-out
After completing course registration, all students and their guests will be required to check out with the orientation team to end their BSO experience.
Baker University Center
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Resource Fair
Students and guests are encouraged to interact with a variety of offices on campus and a few community partners to get their questions answered and learn more about the opportunities available to students.
Baker University Center
MiddayProgram Conclusion
As students are finished with course registration and guests complete their program, a few optional components will be available. Most students and guests complete the program before 11 a.m., but some of the optional elements are available until 12:30/12:45 p.m.
Various Locations