
2021 International Student Union Homecoming parade
Inbound Reciprocal Student Exchanges

Inbound Student Exchanges

This webpage lays out information for Inbound Exchange students who wish to study at OHIO.

OHIO students who want to study abroad on Outbound Exchange, please contact the Office of Global Opportunities (OGO)

To apply to OHIO as a full-time, degree-seeking student please visit the Office of Undergraduate Admissions or The Graduate College for further information.

Reciprocal Student Exchange International Partners 

Partner InstitutionParticipation 
Austria: Paris Lodron University of SalzburgIncoming, graduate students (Department of Modern Languages only)
China, Hong Kong SAR: Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) Incoming and outgoing, undergraduate students  
Denmark: Danish School of Media and Journalism (DMJX) 

Outgoing: undergraduate students in Scripps, photojournalism preferred 

Incoming: undergraduate students in photojournalism or journalism 

Denmark: University of Southern Denmark (SDU) 

Outgoing: undergraduate students 

Incoming: graduate students

Germany: Augsburg University of Applied Sciences 

Outgoing: undergraduate students in Scripps, graphic design only 

Incoming: undergraduate students in graphic design 

Germany: Leipzig University 

Outgoing: undergraduate students 

Incoming: graduate students 

France: ESC Dijon (managed by the College of Business) Incoming and outgoing, undergraduate students 
Japan: Chubu UniversityIncoming and outgoing, undergraduate students 
Japan: Musashi UniversityIncoming and outgoing, undergraduate students 
Spain: Universidad de SevillaIncoming and outgoing, graduate students 
United Kingdom: Swansea UniversityIncoming and outgoing, undergraduate students